What Kind of Game Court Does Your Family Need for Backyard Sports?
What Kind of Game Court Does Your Family Need for Backyard Sports?
Have you decided to keep your kids safe, healthy and entertained at home with a backyard game court from Sport Court? Now the question might be: Which one? Sport Court East is the official exclusive Northeast distributor of Connor Sport Court International (CSCI) game courts and, when you call one of our exclusive dealers, you have many choices in the style, size and color of Sport Court surface you want. Your decision should begin with a few questions: - How old are your children? - Will you be using the game court, as well as your kids? With them or after hours? - What sports do your children play now? - What sports do you think they will enjoy in the future? - How big is your yard? - How much flat, level space is available in your yard, away from large trees and septic tanks? Right-sizing Your Game Court (Sport Court dimensions) First, let's look at the size courts available and what games you and your family might play on them. Basketball - Basketball is one of the most popular sports played on game courts in the U.
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